Welcome to OSPIRG’s scorecard for the 2021 Oregon legislative session. OSPIRG is an advocate for the public interest. We speak out for a healthier, safer world in which we’re freer to pursue our own individual well-being and the common good. The problems we address aren’t progressive or conservative — they’re just problems that no one should tolerate in an age of great abundance and technological progress. That’s why, with your help, we’re working to find common ground around commonsense ideas.
In odd-numbered years, legislators convene for a “long session,” where they meet for five months and vote on hundreds of bills. In even-numbered years, the Oregon legislature convenes for a “short session,” where they meet for only five weeks. For every legislative session, both short and long, OSPIRG puts together a legislative agenda to lay out our priorities. In 2021, we advocated for bills ranging from addressing the high cost of health care, reducing waste, protecting consumers, and more. We have compiled this legislative scorecard as a tool to educate Oregonians about the voting records of their elected officials.
However, it’s important to note that a scorecard is an imperfect tool. We know that often, many bills don’t even come up for a vote and can’t be included in a scorecard. Despite this, we still think scoring votes on public interest bills that do come up for a vote is important. It allows the public to have more information about who is representing them and helps constituents hold their legislators accountable.
We hope you find this information helpful and urge you to contact your legislators to let them know what you think about the way they voted.